Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Windows Activation Technologies Current Version Plugin

Current Version Plugin Windows Activation Technologies

If you’re new to Windows 7 but have been using Windows XP in the past, you’d know about Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) and issues that came with it. This used to be a major problem with some version of Windows, which were not genuine actually. People even faced these issues when they were unable to register their copy of Microsoft Windows due to some reason.
Coming back to Windows 7, WGA is no more there. But there is nothing to be happy about it because Microsoft has just changed its name and added some more complication to Windows Registration through Windows Activation Technologies (WAT). WAT plugin has the same function as did WGA; both activate Microsoft Windows for access to all its features, uninterruptible.
Current Version Plugin Windows Activation Technologies installs in your machine and sends back information to Microsoft about the registration status of Windows. The add-on virtually connects your copy of Windows with Microsoft enabling you to enjoy full-features of your OS installation. It replaces bootleg, which traditionally did the same thing in older operating systems.
In order to use WAT plugin, you will need to find your Windows Key on the back of your DVD cover. If you installed Windows 7 online (upgrade), then you will need to look into your Microsoft registration details to find your serial key. The serial key comprises of 25 characters. Once you install current version plugin Windows Activation Technologies and input your Windows 7 serial number, you will have your Windows registered with Microsoft. You will gain instant access to all the features of Windows 7.
Current Version Plugin fWindows Activation Technologies

How to Install

You can download Windows Activation Technologies plugin on Microsoft website. You can also get this plugin through Microsoft Update. Click Start, go to Windows Update and click Settings. From settings menu, click ‘Install Updates Automatically’ and click OK. It will start downloading new Windows updates. The update package will automatically include Windows Activation Technologies.
If you haven’t downloaded and installed current version plugin Windows Activation Technologies, then please do it at earliest. You won’t just be  unlocking many administrative features in your copy of Windows 7, but you will also be telling the Microsoft that your copy of Windows 7 is genuine and not pirated. In many cases, people using genuine Windows 7 have not registered using Windows Activation Technologies and hence they count in as people using pirated Windows.

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