Saturday, March 14, 2015

AVG Sitesafety plugin Current Version Plugin

Current Version Plugin AVG Sitesafety plugin

AVG, the free antivirus program, protects your computer from harmful programs and viruses. It automatically updates its database to keep your virus definition latest. Once you’ve installed the program, your computer will be safe. However, you will still need to protect your browsing session in order to keep your computer super-clean.

Current Version Plugin AVG Sitesafety plugin helps you to protect your PC from harmful sites. Whenever you visit a website, AVG will check whether the website is harmful or not. If it is, AVG will take necessary measures to keep your computer clean and unaffected from the possible threat. AVG Site-Safety Plugin doesn’t only protect your computer from threats by detecting harmful websites but it also keeps your online session secure. It means you won’t have to worry about online theft of your important data. You can enter your bank website and other sensitive sites without having to worry about your sensitive data.

How to install

To install AVG Sitesafety plugin, you will need to download latest version of AVG Anti-virus program. You can also download AVG Internet Security Suit. The plugin will install automatically when you install any of these. However, you will need to have Mozilla or Internet Explorer installed in order to install the plugin.

Don’t forget to close your browser when installing AVG anti-virus. If your browser is still running, AVG may not install Sitesafety plugin.
Current Version Plugin AVG Sitesafety plugin

How to uninstall

To uninstall, you will need to remove plugin from browser. If that doesn’t help, you can uninstall AVG program to remove Sitesafety plugin.


current version plugin AVG Sitesafety plugin is a necessary program to stay secure online. However, if you can’t install it somehow or have issues with its functionality, you should try uninstalling and re-installing the AVG anti-vrus. If it still doesn’t work, make sure you’ve the latest version of Internet Explorer and Firefox browser. You should also check version of your anti-virus. In some cases, old versions may fail o install the necessary plugin.

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